About Us

Areas of

Private Equity

Our core business is centered around Private Equity Investor Relations and Marketing roles. We place mid to senior level professionals into both full-time roles and roles with flexiblity.

Full-time Marketing/IR Roles:

  • Senior Associate

  • Vice President

  • Principal

  • Head of IR and/or Marketing

Flexible Marketing/IR Roles:

  • Temporary IR/Fundraising support role (full-time and/or part-time)

  • Project based IR/Marketing work

  • Permanent part-time VP/Principal/Head of IR and Marketing

General Finance

Our general finance practice covers investment banks and investment management firms, including private equity firms, hedge funds, family offices, long only funds, real estate investment firms, etc. We also work with service providers who work with investment management firms, such as outsourced investor relations/marketing firms, accounting firms, outsourced compliance and legal firms, among others. Our areas of specialty are Investor Relations/Marketing, Compliance, Legal, Human Resources and C-Suite including CFO, CCO, COO.